A dreamy cloud space, open mind where you can discover your peacefullness.

“Coincidences are not accidents but signals from the universe which can guide us toward our true destiny.”                                                                         

                            -Deepak Chopra

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"Immerse yourself in the healing sounds of nature with The Jewel Within. Join us for an outdoor sound healing experience in the serene landscapes of New Brunswick, Canada or Bruges, Belgium."

 Unveiling Your Fullest Potential

Your journey to finding “The Jewel Within”

“Discovering our site isn’t just a coincidence it’s a step towards unlocking your fullest potential. Through our work, we aim to guide you towards mental and emotional balance, expand your joy, and integrate perfect harmony into your being. Our goal is to enhance your sense of self, awaken your natural wisdom, and unleash your powerful capacity for healing, ultimately fostering fulfilling relationships with yourself, others, and the world around you.”

Our Sessions

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"Embrace the healing power of nature and personal transformation with Caroline and Kris from The Jewel Within. Let us guide you on your journey to wellness and self-discovery."

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Sacred geometric icon created by multiple circles

Sacred Health

Caroline, a Healing Guide from The Jewel Within, offers Sacred Health a holistic approach crafted to empower women, nurture their creativity, and guide them towards embodying their fullest potential and wisdom.

an icon logo showing a depressed or confused mind head in black

Trauma Healing

Trauma healing involves addressing emotional and psychological wounds caused by highly stressful events that disrupt your sense of safety and control, leading to persistent emotional distress, anxiety, and difficulty trusting others. Through therapeutic approaches like TRE and Brainspotting, individuals can reclaim their sense of security and begin to heal from the impacts of trauma.

Energetic Healing

Healing encompasses the profound act of restoring wholeness, soundness, and reconciliation. It is the process of making healthy that which is afflicted, and bringing an end to conflicts, thereby fostering unity and peace. But how do we achieve this restoration?

men holding his hands over the face of a person.

Find Your Jewel Within

“Discover the treasure that lies within you.Embark on your journey today to find your inner jewel. Let Caroline & Kris guide you on the path to enlightenment.”

“At the centre of your being you have the answer;

you know who you are and you know what you want.”

–Lao Tzu

Have A Introduction Talk

“Ready to embark on your journey of self-discovery and find your inner jewel? Schedule an intake talk with Kris or Caroline, and let’s find the perfect class or course tailored to your needs and goals. Together, we’ll pave the way for your transformation and enlightenment.”

two yoga teachers sitting in front of the class


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