The pivotal factor for a meaningful and effective journey lies in the conscientious consideration of “set and setting.” Engaging with sacred plant medicines occurs within a ceremonial group prayer framework and a shamanic environment.
Our facilitators amalgamate extensive expertise and education in ritual guidance, indigenous spiritual traditions, personal growth, depth psychology, shadow exploration, trauma recovery, polarity discernment, energy healing, and interpersonal facilitation to provide a comprehensive and transformative experience.

Sacred Union
The sacred medicine advocates that Humanity’s excessive emphasis on Masculine ideals while undervaluing Feminine principles has rendered our presence on earth detrimental and unsustainable.
When individuals grasp or retain power solely for personal gain, neglecting to share power for the collective good, all life experiences suffering as a consequence.

Sacred medicine guides us to discover inherent wisdom by navigating a “third way” through the harmonious integration of polarities and dualities the Sacred Union of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.

Sacred Medicine supports the spiritual journey of Sacred Union, which seeks to address the underlying causes of the global crisis and guide humanity towards living in harmony with all of life, fostering wholeness, wisdom, and love.

Right Use Of Power
Through sacred medicine, we transform darkness into light, converting pain into blessings, as we dedicate our individual and collective strengths to the ultimate well-being of all.

Sacred Medicine is akin to a sacred vessel, much like the womb or the male pelvic area, where you hold and nurture sacred love energy. It represents your journey of self-realization, self-empowerment, and the path towards freedom.
“Honor the sacred. Honor the Earth, our Mother. Honor the Elders. Honor all with whom we share the Earth: Four-leggeds, two-leggeds, winged ones, Swimmers, crawlers, plant and rock people. Walk in balance and beauty.”
– Native Guidance
What is Sacred Medicine doing?
Sacred Medicine delves deep into the core of your ailments, fostering internal healing. It involves understanding the lessons your illness seeks to impart. These sacred remedies unlock pathways to heightened consciousness, enabling us to:
- Connect intimately with the Divine Mystery
- Overcome restrictive beliefs and spiritual barriers
- Transform suffering into enlightenment
Plant medicine prayer enhances and hastens spiritual evolution by facilitating a shift from fear to love, from fragmentation to wholeness, and from isolation to oneness.
Book Now
We regularly organize sessions tailored to support your journey towards holistic well-being. If you’re ready to join us and experience the transformative power of our offerings, don’t hesitate to reach out. Whether you’re seeking to rediscover your inner balance, explore mindfulness practices, or delve into healing modalities, we have sessions designed to meet your needs. Get in touch today to reserve your spot and embark on this enriching journey with us.
Feeling Lost
If you seek refuge from the hustle of daily life and yearn to discover your sacred path, come join us on a transformative journey.
The modern secular, rational-scientific worldview has distanced humanity from “The Divine Mystery” which is the Source of Life.
Having lost a sense of reverence and devotion for the Sacred, we worship the gods of money and technology and disrespect the wisdom of the earth. Despite material wealth, our soul-lives remain impoverished.